Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Lost and found

All by a sudden it all came back to me
Like a soft symphony lighting up the dark tunnel of my ear
I don't know how it happened, so many speculations in my head
Recall? Love? The tears that had been unshed?
I guess that's how the inner me works
Demons and angels, spirit and bones
Evanescence and intolerable reality increase the wilderness of my thoughts
Suns of my universe are getting prepared to wipe out the big dots
Crawling in, going out my thoughts incarnate into words
Enigma is the booster of my creepiness giving me relief but sometimes hurts
Nirvana! O sacred Nirvana, what are you?
Temptation is what kept me looking for you..could it be just a déja-vu?



  1. Very true demons, angels , good , bad all reside in us, but we should not let any bad things or demons take hold of us.......nice poem.....

    Nirvana is a Sanskrit word( Language of scriptures of India)...eternal peace...

    1. Of course..I don't refer here to actual demons (I guess you know that) it's what we think is the opposite of what is good in us which may not look the same for other people..anyway such things hold a truth of us and represent the other part of our life's fight that's all.
      Thanks for remembering me about the origin of Nirvana. My motive power in life :) And thank you very much for reading the poem =)

  2. Great use of images and words, I loved the feel of it with that supernatural element. Very original.

  3. Thank you very much :) I appreciate this.

  4. the picture and the words are awesome

  5. Wonderful poetry and photo too.

  6. Thank you :) I just checked your blog, a very nice one. I'm trying to solve the cryptograph. I'll have to update the logic side of my brain :D

  7. Hi Tino,

    I like the picture and how it looks like one is driving into a storm and it fits with the poem, almost as if your brain is a thinking storm of opposites fighting to come to the forefront and be in control of what you are thinking. I think that we go through these battles everyday when making decisions about what we are going to do. Some of them may only last for a few seconds while others may take us days to come to a decision. Life is funny that way but I think deep down we always hope we are making the right decision for the right reason and also that it is a decision for the good, thus achieving a peacefulness for everyone but mostly for ourselves. Life is wonderful when all is going well but it feels like hell when it is not, just as the picture depicts.

    Thanks for sharing such a thoughtful poem with us for this weeks Theme Thursday. May your week be filled with many peaceful moments.

    God bless.
