Sunday, October 12, 2014


Heart vs Mind, the most persistent clash of all
Unleash the fire or let it be succumbed by the waters of your soul
Maintain your desire between the perfect and the animal
A truth seeker's way t balance the mundane and the spiritual
Nurtured by good or evil we're all heading to the same terminal..death 

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Venom of life is oddly the thing that keeps my spirit alive
Offspring of strangers I continue to be alien by heart and mind
I don't think that God can ever be found
Do we really need to search for the One who is always by our side? 

Monday, August 18, 2014

I apologize

To my Maker
To the King of kings
I apologize

I apologize for failing my task
I might have time..but I wasted a lot
Kept my responsibilities marginalized

I was amazed by the beauty of the kingdom You gave me
Thought I could master it..seemed too easy
A simple creed: “The earth is yours to conquer and thou shall believe in Me”

Time passed fast
I never got to do my best
I was submerged by the darkness around me

Although I could reach the width of the universe with a single thought
I failed a lot in freeing my spirit from the cage of this small body of mine
A prison inside a prison made by fake “caliphs”.. the smallest of minds.. 

Saturday, July 5, 2014


ô Torch where did you go?
Now that I'm used to you
ô what I am turning to?
In this dark..
I was lost into a midst of doll people
Cursed life every time they made a giggle
Got bored of being life s slave
I walked away to my lonesome cave
And then your light shined through my door
It was so white that crossed my core
I looked for you, saw you on the montain s top
To climb to you I had to drink from pain s cup
When I got near you, my hands were full of dirt
I cannot touch you, I may spoil your imminent light
I am cursed by life and I'm very, very tired..

Friday, June 13, 2014

Where rocks are broken

I don’t know how I got here
I’m not even sure if I should call it a ‘place’
To get here you don’t need to steer
You just fall or you come by chance
Here, you can hear rocks cry
You can see them shed tears, some might even bleed
No, this isn’t hell
Most of us don’t know what it really means
You can’t be sure if you’re in torment or in peace
Everyone’s equal, no governments, no currency and no political bullshit
Here if you don’t read you suffocate
Your mind is your lungs, it’s gasping for words
The heart is what you are, there are no secrets here
Here rocks cry, melt and they might even bleed

Friday, May 23, 2014


They let it fall
fall on the weak; young and old
They'll let it fall again
and watch the nation crash and burn slow
But the fire burns all
Whether you are a short leg or tall
Then they'll call upon God
We'll all then remember God.. 

Friday, April 25, 2014


Books..I got a whole bunch of them
Teachers..with all sorts of degrees
Life..I’m alive alright, I think
I eat, I sleep, I try to help..I pray
I got a mind, sane..I believe
A complete body, a nice family and a comfortable house
I got some problems in studies
Survived a harsh 5 years of them
I’ve been told that this life is about ‘survive’
But can’t I have some time to breathe right?
Why does this reality have to be so suffocating?
Burn..burn it all to ashes you clay worshipers!
Take it..claim it all you double faces!
Just, please, keep me away from all your dirty schemes
I can do you no good..God! I don’t even talk your language!
I just want sometime to breathe right..
I just need a place to breathe right..